Prashant Sengar

Learner, programmer

resting well toolkit by prashant sengar

Toolkit on resting well

After grokking on your projects for 6 months, what do you think is the best thing to work even better for the next 2 quarters of the year? You are right, resting well.   Resting properly is not just a one-off thing you do once or twice a year. You should rest your mind and …

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toolkit on limiting input by prashant sengar

Toolkit on limiting input

In the last post, I wrote about the ways to build better habits from scratch. I also shared my plan to get back on track with my habits and routine. The update is that I have been doing quite well since then — I have not missed a single day of exercise in the last …

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a set of gears denoting a system of momentum

Toolkit on creating systems

In the previous post, I wrote about the benefits of taking regular notes. This article is a direct evidence of one of the benefits. This article is compiled using my notes on the same topic. In this issue: The way we usually work. What, Why, How of building a system. Tools to aid you develop …

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stimulated brain distractions

Toolkit on Distractions

What is the biggest hindrance to self-improvement and consistency. That is distractions which are offered through multiple means.

Toolkit on Consistency

This issue will start by telling you about the most important step to productivity. Then we will look at how to follow that step and after that, we will see a few tools that can help us in this.